Have You Heard the Tale of the Two Dragons That Discovered the True Earth?
Original Children Story Coming This Fall 2024
If you’ve stuck with this publication, I assume you’re convinced or at least curious least convinced that the Earth is not what we have been told it is. Globalist indoctrination starts at such a young age, even before we can talk, that by the time we are an adult, it is an ingrained assumption that the Earth is a globe spinning in space.
With gratitude for the truth that is spread with the dawning of the internet, there is plenty of content for adults who seek to unravel their minds from this indoctrination. Yet, my frustration as a parent is the limited resources available for kids.
Children Are Being Indoctrinated
Children are still at the front line of the globalist agenda. From kid shows to birthday parties, to favorite movies, classroom science lessons, and beloved storytime books, the heliocentric model of the cosmos is foisted upon young minds relentlessly.
With inspiration from Flat Rabbit, another Truther in our community, my young daughter and I have taken up the task of writing our own True Earth Children’s Literature.
New True Earth Children’s Story
It’s a delightful story about two little dragons who ponder about the Earth. One happens to come across a Gleason Map and it piques her curiosity about what is said versus what is observable about the Earth. The dragons have a friendly banter over this quandary and at the end get a brilliant idea that just might lead to their next adventure.
Stay tuned! Thank you for being part of this publication.
What a grand idea. Exposing children to an alternate theory of the universe.
If it was up to me, I would make sure children learn critical thinking skills. I would not require children to be conformists.
I would make sure children knew as much about Nicola Tesla as they do about Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein.
Most of all I would teach children about Vortex Mathematics.