Heliocentrism is a Mental Prison
Free your mind and raise children in the truth of our stationary realm
If we don’t know where we live, how can we know much else? How about how would we know who we are, where we came from, or our purpose? We might even believe anything if we don’t know such a fundamental thing as where we live.
Manufactured Confusion
We might even be inclined to think that life arose from spontaneous generation in a statistical accident. Humans are specks in an ever-expanding universe living on a rock in an endless space abyss. Despite the vastness of this contrived universe, life on Earth was the only life in existence; yet, there was always an underlying fear that a more advanced alien civilization will someday come and destroy us. We would feel pretty lonely, vulnerable, and insignificant in this Godless accidental world.
The person who believes this has an imprisoned mind. With their head distracted floating in space, the elites ushers in a New World Order right in front of our eyes. They try to confuse us about where we live, who we are, and what gender our kids are. They attempt to strip us of personal freedoms and turn people against one another. In the epitome of an abusive relationship, we turn back to them for their "solutions" to save us from the social chaos they manufactured.
Break Free from the Globalist Lie
This realm is one of free will. By declaring conscious sovereignty, no other being can have control over you. When we are willing to drop the fictitious heliocentric globe model, the captives of our minds lose their grip on us and we can refuse to consent to the Globalist agenda.
It is privilege of freedom to awaken to the truth that this realm is of perfect design as a stationary, non-rotating, level plane. Up is up and down is down. We are protected and watched over by the celestials just above our heads. There is nothing to fear. The sun and moon return dutifully day and night.
We can build our lives as sovereign beings empowered by the truth that not only are we special, but we are in fact at the center of this Universe. What a gift!
Next time you speak to your kids, give them a sense of confidence, glory, and awe of this magical, beautiful, spectacular realm. Tell them, “You are special and you belong here.”