Modern-Day Understanding of Genetics Debunks Darwin's Origin of Species
Mathematical Impossibility of Darwin's Theory of Evolution
Thanks for a great meetup at the Bronx Zoo last month. Seeing all the animals, from striped tigers to fuzzy red pandas, hard-skinned rhinos, lazy lions, and tubby elephants, got me thinking about how diverse Nature is.
Everyone Knows Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin, a British naturalist commissioned by the British Royal Navy, published On the Origin of Species in 1859. Darwin's work was paramount in establishing the theory of evolution.
The year 1859 was over 160 years ago. Can we honestly say that there haven't been any updates to the field of biology since Darwin?
One might not think so with how much of a household name Darwin remains today. Most folks with a high school education know that a man named Charles Darwin - maybe they even know he was British and went to the Galapagos Islands - came up with some theory on evolution, but that’s about it. This surface-level knowledge has been enough for people to reckon, “Some scientist already figured out evolution so it must be true.”
Yet, Darwin's knowledge of biology was incomplete. Biological science at the time of Darwin’s day viewed the smallest unit of life at the cellular level. Biological scientists now know that there are even smaller units that define life.
Instructions for Life Found in Genetic Code
DNA is housed within the nucleus of every cell. DNA’s big job is to code for proteins. Proteins go on to build the body and drive the metabolic processes (or chemical reactions) that occur within every organism.
Proteins are built from amino acids. Codons on mRNA code for which amino acids should be strung together and folded to form each protein. If this is all too much scientific jargon, think of a pearl necklace that can be wrapped around one’s neck multiple times and folded over itself. This protein "necklace" is strung to exact perfection to go on to perform a specific task.
Some proteins can be a “simple" string and others a “gaudy” overlay of twists and folds. Nevertheless, it's quite complicated and miraculous that every living being, creature, and organism undergoes this process of the production of proteins and the huge variety of proteins that exist to create the living world.
Genetic Mutations Lead to Faulty Proteins
Darwin proposed that natural selection was the primary mechanism driving evolution. His theory suggested that individuals with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing those traits on to future generations. He supposed this process would eventually give rise to new species.
Keep in mind that Darwin did not understand genetics. More specifically, he didn't understand how species differ at the genetic level nor how the coding of proteins carries out all the important functions of creating and operating a living being.
Genes are the instructions to determine what creature to build. Modern biologists understand that when there is a misstep, or mutation, in the instructions of genetic code, it does not turn a regular ole' turtle into a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. A faulty read on the genetic code produces a defunct protein that cannot perform its intended function or any other useful function actually. The organism is most likely to fail to grow into whatever creature it was destined to be, be it a bird, cat, dog, ape, or man.
For an organism to successfully develop from an embryo to a youngling that is clearly of a distinct species, every single bead in every protein must be strung correctly. When biological glitches in stringing protein beads occur, which itself is rare, the glitch most of the time leads to the death of that organism. A new species does not emerge; rather the organism with faulty proteins dies.
Mathematically Improbable Is As Good As Impossible
The amount of coordinating proteins that would have to mutate simultaneously to produce a code for a new emergent species is, to the point of modern-day scientists who understand genetics, so minutely improbable that it’s reasonable to say it’s impossible.
For the shear diversity of species we see on Earth, down to bacteria and up to the great blue whale, including all the so-called predecessor species that have come before and have since died out, it’s mathematically impossible that there is even enough time in the already absurdly long timeline of Earth, said to be billions of years old, for these coordinated mutations to occur to get the diversity of species that we see today.
Did Darwin Get Anything Right?
Darwin’s theory of evolution describes the process of natural selection which explains how certain advantageous traits of a species might be past from parent to offspring. This may change the look of the species over time; however, it does not change the species’ genetic code. Recessive traits still live within the genes. We know this today because biological scientists understand genetics. Darwin did not.
So why are we still talking about Darwin's Theory of Evolution which is inaccurate at best and straight-up impossible at worst? I’ll tell you who is not talking about Darwinian Theory and it's scientists of today.
Academic professionals have known that Darwin's theory put forth over 160 years ago is flat-out wrong when it comes to explaining if and how new species can emerge.
We've Been Missing the Conversation Biologists Have Been Having Since Darwin's Time
If you think the Sun being a proposed 93 million miles away is a whopping number to wrap your head around, then listen to this interview of modern-day scientists discussing probabilities that show how unlikely, to impossible, Darwin's theory of evolution is for giving rise to new species based on what we know today about genetics.
Thank you
Thank you to FlatRabbit for introducing me to this video and thank you to all my subscribers. Your comments enrich this publication.
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