Scientists Found the Missing Link in Human Evolution. Turned Out To Be A Fraud.
The Infamous Piltdown Man Scandal
The theory of evolution was introduced in the mid 19th century by British biologist Charles Darwin. Darwin published On the Origin of Species in 1859 and his “bulldog” Thomas Huxley continued to champion its message. Evolution is now held as a common belief in the modern age.
Theory of Evolution
The Theory of Evolution puts forth that all life shares a common ancestor and the diversity of life is the result of branching evolutionary paths from this common origin. Organisms with traits that are better suited to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce. These advantageous traits are then passed on to the next generation.
From the Theory of Evolution arises the claim that human beings evolved from apes over millions of years. Humans, as Homo sapiens, are said to have first appeared on the scene some 300,000 years ago.
What evidence did they have for human evolution?
With the dawning of the Theory of Evolution, paleontologists (i.e. scientists who study animals and other organisms through fossils) went on a search for what is known as the “missing link” or the ape-like creature that is supposed to be the transition from apes to humans.
Good news! Did you know that Scientists discovered the missing link in 1912?
Here’s a history lesson the public schools aren’t teaching. One of the earliest evidences for human evolution was the finding of the missing link known as Piltdown Man.

Meet Piltdown Man
The skull of Piltdown Man was said to be 500,000 years old. It was discovered near Piltdown, East Sussex in England by 20th century Paleontologist Charles Dawson (not to be confused with Charles Darwin).
If this was the year 1912, when this skull was said to be discovered, we might be asked to believe this was an incredible finding and evidence of humanities rise from ape to man.

The Hoax Is Up
Yet, what was revealed 40 years later is the entire work up was a hoax. By 1953 further investigation into the skull revealed it had been fraudulently acid washed to appear much older and the teeth showed evidence of being filed down to resemble human-like eating habits.
Charles Dawson (not to be confused with Charles Darwin) was said to be the culprit for this hoax. However, Charles Darwin is certainly a larger character in the influence that such thinking has had on society about where humans come from.
Dawson was well-respected in Britain as one of the leading amateur paleontologists of his time and had a reputation at stake.
Dawson had the possibility of becoming a household name, just like Darwin. To be that scientist who found the missing link, to affirm the theory of evolution into fact, and define ever more the narrative of what humanity is. But it turns out it was a farce.
Watch this short documentary on the Piltdown Man hoax to learn more and share it with your kids.
More Fake Findings
How many other Scientists presented falsified bones in the so-called fossil record all in pursuit of making a name in the intellectual world?
Piltdown Man isn’t the only hoax in the evolutionary race to fame. Many of the popular evidences of evolution have been later debunked. Watch This Video DESTROYS All of the Latest “Proof” of Evolution. The truth is unavoidable.
Share Your Thoughts
Do you believe humans evolved from apes over millions of years? Or not? If so, what evidence do you have to support your belief? Leave a comment and share your thoughts.
Here’s a great video that Eric Dubay put out highlighting many other fraudulent scientific findings attempting to support the theory of evolution. Watch —>
Yet another great article Cedra! It is interesting, that Thomas Huxley and the Huxley family was so deeply rooted in making these claims become perceived as fact. It is also interesting that Aldous Huxley who is the grandson of Thomas, spelled out the potential for what could happen if this worldview were to play out to the very end. That (of course) is the subject of his book ‘Brave New World’. ❤️