The Earth being a stationary, non-rotating, level plane is scientifically provable. On the other hand, the heliocentric model is scientifically illogical.
The idea that there is a zero-pressure space vacuum adjacent to pressurized air without a physical barrier, that our eyes can see light from stars that are supposedly trillions of light years away, and water can stick to the bottom of a rock spinning at 1,000mph and whirl around a sun at 66,000 mph - while we observably experience none of it - are all scientifically impossible.
You’re free-thinking mind should be coming alive with many questions by now. While the controllers of media allow truther content on the internet, they downrank True Earth information in search engines and on social media platforms. If you attempt to search “Flat Earth” on Google or YouTube, what you are fed is intentionally placed misinformation that makes a mockery of the Flat Earth model.
So you need to know where to find accurate information about our True Earth. For example, enjoy this short video that explains how the sun and moon rotate over a level Earth plane.
Be sure to show it to your kids too. Our minds are entranced by a heliocentric prison at the earliest age with the amount of space-themed toys, books, movies, cartoons, and birthday party themes they are exposed to. Your children need to see True Earth material to help them validate their rational senses.
How Things Work on a Flat Earth
Gather up your friends and family and watch how the sun and moon rotate over a Flat Earth to create day and night and the seasonal effect. Watch Flat Earth is a Timepiece.
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At Stationary Earth Science we explore the natural science of our stationary realm while raising Flat Earth kids. Learn how things work on our True Earth when you join the fastest-growing truther publication on Substack.