Watch 'Old World Order'
Lastest documentary from Hibbeler Productions questions the narrative of America's not-so-distant past
History is written by the “victors.”
Hibbler Productions and executive producer Stew Peters present the documentary film Old World Order.
From Romanesque architecture prominent in every major city in North America, to underground tunnel systems, archeological finds of gigantic humans, and suppressed technologies from etheric energy to travel via air ship blimps, what really happened in our not-so-distant past?
Old World Order tells a tale as riveting as a modern day drama, yet the difference being it’s the truth of our past. Much of which has been buried, burned, and erased from the history books.
Reeling through old photos and a historical narrative that doesn’t quite fit right, Old World Order is a great film to watch with family and friends to spark discussion into what has become of our world.
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Great effort. Trusted "authorities" have been lying to us about our history and so much more.